What is your favorite thing Biden has done so far?
All your responses inspired me to dig a bit deeper into the goodness Biden has been up to https://twitter.com/DirkSchwenk/status/1355358538814676992?s=20
My next #DemsDoGood policy will be on energy policy and why true enemies of Russia like @LouiseMensch should LOVE Biden's decision to cancel the Keystone Pipeline. Please stand by (or check back in the AM, snoozy East Coasters).
The all "all of the above" strategy had 3 announced goals. From a political perspective, however, it rewarded US based gas and oil, while undercutting prices for OPEC and RU.
The Obama/Biden policy SPECIFICALLY went after reducing US Net Petroleum imports. Which is to say F off OPEC and RU.
The direct result of these policies was to drastically reduce the value of crude on the international market. These reductions held until Trump f'd it up, and until COVID blew up the world economy.
During this time, US energy independence improved greatly, OPEC/Mideast dependence dropped dramatically, and to the extent we imported, we imported more from our great ally Canada https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/oil-and-petroleum-products/imports-and-exports.php
Most importantly, however, we reduced our imports dramatically, and relied far more on domestic workers, factories and natural resources.
It is crucial to understand, however, that while the number 1 purpose of this strategy was to reduce dependence on foreign oil, beyond fracking and natural gas, reduce coal, and commit to renewables. IT WORKED
THESE SAME POLICIES CUT RUSSIA'S EXPORT VALUE IN HALF BETWEEN 2012 AND 2016. Which goes a long way toward explaining why Putin didn't want a continuation of Obama/Biden/Clinton energy policy.
So, let's fast forward to how Biden's #DemsDoGood policies will help the US and F Russia. Biden has announced a number of policies that impact energy policy ALL OF THEM COUCHED IN BRINGING SCIENCE BACK TO OUR DECISIONMAKING which is what smart people do to F Putin.
Some of this is red meat to "liberal" wants. But remember, 1) liberals actual pay attention to science, and science begats smart policy; and 2) it continues the policy of REDUCING RELIANCE ON OIL. And reducing reliance on oil helps the US and hurts Russia/OPEC.
With respect to Keystone XL specifically (Dirk's view and I presume Bidens?) KXL facilitates new development of Alberta tar sands. WE DON'T NEED NEW PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT, even to friend Canada. We need US profits and US jobs. We have a shitton of natural gas already.
And so, to wrap up - Biden is doing great things in energy policy and the environment not just because that makes libs happy, ITS BECAUSE IT WORKS. It screws RU and helps US workers, and we should all rejoice.
One more REALLY IMPORTANT POINT. If we fail to address global warming, then the US West becomes a desert; the east coast cities flood; Russia's artic ports and northern passage open, and all of Russia's too-cold-to-farm vastness becomes the new breadbasket of the world.
You can follow @DirkSchwenk.
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