I can't join in the media howls about "covidiots".

Covid denial is, in my view, a symptom of a far wider systemic problem -- that problem is capitalism, especially this government.

The "covidiots" narrative is an attempt to deflect policy failure onto individuals.
I've had very close friends and family members made very seriously ill by Covid-19 -- one has died. I'm sure there's few reading this who don't know someone hit by it.

So those who deny the pandemic, protest against lockdowns and spread misinformation do make me angry.
But it's far too easy to blame the pandemic and the seemingly eternally shifting lockdown rules on "covidiots" just not following the rules.

The real problem, it seems to me, is that we've never had a real lockdown, and that government policy has been totally chaotic.
The UK is *NUMBER ONE IN THE WORLD* for Covid-19 deaths per capita. We're also in the top 5 even in absolute terms -- miles ahead of China: a country of almost 1.5 billion people!

This is a total scandal and proves once again that capitalism is a death cult.
The UK should have done something far more akin to China's highly successful policy of eradicating the virus.

Of course, the failures of UK policy are far deeper than one Tory government. It's also caused by 40 years of neoliberalism, for which Labour shares just as much blame.
It's also worth mentioning that decades of media disinformation (not just misinformation, but lies) about everything from "Iraqi WMDs" and the "need for austerity" to "Labour anti-Semitism" have left much of the population justifiably sceptical about everything they're told.
The curse of the liar is not to be believed even when he's telling the truth.

Still, polling shows that most of the UK support lockdowns and a sane policy of eradicating the virus. The problem is there's no political will (from either the Tories or Labour) to lead such a policy.
So the bottom line is that it's like the Wild West out there -- everyone for themselves and most of us are just thrown to wolves.

Happy Friday!
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