This Buddhist statuette/figurine is from the Khitan Liao Dynasty (916-1125)
The empire during its heyday stretched from modern day Kazakhstan all the way to the Sakhalin Island, and ruled a big chunk of northern China.
Members of the royal family were pious Buddhists.
Millenarian tendencies
Qara-Khitai, the Karluks, and Barbarossa
Were the Khitans too sinicized for their own good?
The Scythians (Sakas), Turks and Mongols
Much of the old would be absorbed and retained, culturally and even genetically.
The Xiongnu empire was a polyethnic tribal confederation, but their exact imperial structure remains poorly understood.
The idea of rulership by divine sanction turned the ruler's lineage into a charismatic one.
Being a Turko-Mongol kaghan or khan was no easy task.
Later nomadic empires’ inability to maintain territory unity was foretold in the Xiongnu’s fragmentation.
The Xiongnu empire’s collapse triggered further Turkic and Hunnic expansion into central and western Eurasia.
“A mountain, a cave, water and a female spirit”
The Türks' actual origins were more diffuse than the myth allowed.
The rise of the Türk Empire coincided with the unification of of China.
Taizong was a veritable Chinese kaghan, a great horseman and warrior, dynamic enough to murder his brothers and depose his father to get to the throne.
The Turkophile crown prince Li Chéngqián (李承乾, 618 – 645) died in exile for plotting against his father.
The significance of the Türk Empire was great.
The kaghan's blood can not be shed; when one of the Ashina line was executed, it was by strangulation.
By the late 6th century, the ruler of the East and West had fallen out with each other over succession issues.
The volume of resources extorted from China meant that the Uyghurs had too much wealth not to have a permanent fortified capital.
After the Uyghurs fell in 840 at the hands of the Kyrgyz, the Tang sank into internal revolt within a generation.
As Central Asia began to become part of the Muslim World, Islam began to influence the indigenous population.

The Turks in World History

By Carter V. Findley (Ohio State University)
Words related to Khitay are still used in many Turkic and Slavic languages to refer to China.

The Origins of the Chinese Nation: Song China and the Forging of an East Asian World Order

By Nicolas Tackett
(page 156)
Usage of the ethnonym 'Han'
The term 蕃汉 (Fan-Han) referred specifically to Tibetans or Tanguts in the case of Song-era documents.
"To transform Song China into an ethnic Han state, it was necessary to homogenize the population by concealing the non-Chinese backgrounds of top officials, while simultaneously clarifying ethnic boundaries in frontier regions."
The naturalization of the category Han had far-reaching consequences.
Numerous regimes during the 10th century, Sinitic or not, made alliances with the Khitans indiscriminately in their struggles to survive within a complex multi-state system.
The 'ignorant' borderlanders of Liao-controled Yan
Throughout the Sui-Tang period, the court was far more interested in preserving the authority and prestige of the regime than in seizing 'former' territory.
Military forays into the north during the Northern Wei Dynasty were spurred by military men seeking to expand their power and influence, not with a mind toward the reconquest of lost Han territory.
In Europe, claims to territory based on ethno-cultural principles ultimated stemmed from Romantic ideas of self-determination.

In Song-dynasty China, they derived from the concept of grand unity (大一统).
儒学作为官方意识形态是逐渐建立起来的,并且在东汉才逐渐完成了所谓的圣典化 (canonization)。董仲舒就是在这圣典化过程中被吹大的,在《汉书》中董的传记占了整整一章。最后,汉武帝虽然把儒学上升成为国家意识形态,但是他用的人杂七杂八,什么样子的都有,他的大量政策也是以法家为主。
这背后的原因就是现代化并没有摧毁其它宗教的制度基础 (比如和基督教相应的教会组织和资源),这些宗教因此都能逐渐适应现代社会,并在现代条件下找出生存和发展的道路。唯独儒学,这个在传统世界无比强势的思想体系在现代化过程中衰退成了一个无根的哲学,因为它的制度基础已经被摧毁了。
历史不会有一个统一的终结,因为人类还在政治和意识形态层面上展开竞争。意识形态层面上的竞争既没有明确的输赢准则 (想象一个基督徒和佛教徒辩论哪个宗教更优越会有什么结果),也不会促进社会的积累性发展。当意识形态竞争和政治竞争在社会中成为主导时,该社会就不会有很强的积累性发展动力。
To read » The Confucian-Legalist State: A New Theory of Chinese History - Dingxin Zhao - Google Books
The Confucian-Legalist political system that emerged in China during the Western Han lasted for two millennia.

By no means does “lasted” imply that this political system underwent no significant changes over that time.
It was precisely because of this resilience that China, for better or worse, did not develop industrial capitalism as Western Europe did, notwithstanding China’s economic prosperity and technological sophistication beginning with the Northern Song dynasty (960–1127).
Bowing to the current dominant beliefs that history is non-teleological, non-directional, and contingent, historians today tend to focus on brief time periods and specific aspects of history.
Imperial China was the only world civilization where transcendental world religions exerted no major influence on politics and where a strong state exhibited great tolerance toward, and even actively sponsored, countless kinds of religious beliefs.
In contrast with early-modern European cities, the cities of late imperial China, even though many of them were highly commercialized, were governed by state-appointed officials, and merchants were never able to carve out an independent role in politics.
By the late Eastern Zhou period,

Legalism, a philosophy that justified heavy-handed state power, became the prevailing political philosophy;

armies came under the firm control of governments;

and merchants were unable to turn their wealth into political power.
Both early China and second-millennium Europe were caught up in multi-state competition, and the military competition in both societies generated enormous social dynamism.
Europe developed in the direction of constitutional government and industrial capitalism; China, toward a bureaucratic empire.
Most significantly, the competition among the states, churches, and the aristocracy in medieval Europe effectively checked state (political) power.
The fierce military and economic competition in Europe compelled all the political actors to enhance their capacity to organize, to tax the people, and to extract natural resources.

That compulsion imbued European society with a strong developmental character.
The balance between military competition economic competition, in conjunction with the influence of religious actors in Europe, allowed churches, universities, cities, and guilds to form themselves into corporate entities with protected rights and roles in society.
Together and in competition with each other, these power actors gave rise to bureaucratic states in which power was checked and balanced by a constitution.

They also promoted bourgeois power and ideologies glorifying privately oriented instrumental rationalism.
The aristocracy since the Eastern Zhou period has been increasingly incapable of competing with the state as warfare expanded in scale, a meritocratic bureaucracy took root, and Legalism became the prevailing state ideology.
The Qin empire, after subduing all the other states to its rule, controlled a battle-hardened military of over half a million warriors, a highly sophisticated bureaucracy, and an advanced transportation and communication system.
Yet only 15 years after its inception, this mighty empire was overthrown, making it the shortest-lived major dynasty in Chinese history.
The synergistic relationships among Legalist ideologies and regulations and military mobilization greatly strengthened the Qin state, encouraging Qin rulers to base their control on harsh Legalist ruling techniques rather than on state-society cooperation and normative consensus.
The lessons influenced early Western Han politics to form a highly stable crystallization of the four power sources:

the Confucian-Legalist state,

a system of government that merged political and ideological power,

harnessed military power,

and marginalized economic power.
In the Confucian-Legalist state, the emperors accepted Confucianism as a ruling ideology, while Confucian scholars supported the regime and supplied meritocratically selected officials who administrated the country using an amalgam of Confucian ethics and Legalist techniques.
As the Confucian-Legalist system achieved a more developed form during the Song dynasty (960–1279), China became home to a form of “compulsory cooperation” that was more sophisticated than the Roman counterpart.
Whereas the Roman elites shared only a similar secular culture, the Chinese elites were inculcated with quasi-religious Neo-Confucian values.
The Roman rulers tried to but could neither suppress nor co-opt Christianity after its rise; the Chinese rulers on the other hand actively adopted Confucianism as a ruling ideology.
With such a structure in place, it was in the interests of any new ruler of China, whether indigenous or foreign, to seek the cooperation of the Confucian elite and to amend rather than overturn the Confucian-Legalist political arrangement.
Imperial Confucianism as it emerged during the Han dynasty was more a this-worldly ethical system than a transcendental religion.
Yet it also incorporated many religious elements common to ancient China, such as ancestor worship, a concept of heaven as a conscious overseer of the affairs of the human realm, divination, predetermination, and yin-yang cosmology.
In many ways, the role of Confucianism in China was similar to that played by Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism in other societies.
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