I've been coaching 8 years and estimate i've completed over 100 hours of learning in a combination of courses, CPD, webinars & reading with some of the best coaches & coach educators from the highest areas of the pro game.
In all that time, i've yet to be taught that any of the following are best practices to aid development yet see them week in and week out in grassroots;
1. Having 1 or 2 fixed positions
2. Playing a player where they are comfortable/enjoy
3. Playing safe/don't take risks
4. Make it look like the adult/pro game
5. Adapt your plan to win - react to the opposition
6. Winning first, performance second

So my question is, is everyone just ignoring the advice cos they know better?
Or is it they cannot separate adult football where the purpose is to win at all costs from youth football where the purpose is to develop and learn the skills to become the best version of you that you can be? Or is it they just start the "win at all costs on the UEFA B"?
Though, i am a amateur, all the advice i've received from the pro's & experts makes sense. Children learn best in safe environments where they are encouraged to take risks, experiment & challenge themselves, safe in the knowledge that they won't be shouted at for doing so
For me, when all stakeholders fully accept that youth football is a learning experience, so should be treated as such & a learning environment should be cultivated (think how different the classroom is to the pitch) then both players & the experience for all involved will improve
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