Are ya'll saying BH and BTS should PAY to have the US network keep performance on THEIR channel and EARN money from Views and clicks as well when they can just pay? Why won't they just post Bombs themselves like they do for award shows? 🤓💜👇 #BTSARMY
For crowd pretty against capitalism, ya'll sure like it when the money goes to US Network's pocket. So is it only when the money goes to our boys is your problem? Hmmm? 🤓💜 #BTSARMY
Strange how none of you asking Corden why it was removed? Or even SNL.
I mean The Ellen Show, Colbert and Fallon still have their performance from 2 years ago. Why exactly if Payment was the reason? 🤓💜 #BTSARMY
The Ellen Show - Still there. 2 years old. 🤓💜👇
Stephen Colbert - DITTO! One year old performance. 🤓💜👇
I just got an information!
A particular company say, "D" have such time limit. Standard: 3 months. The person who gave me the information negotiated with them to have their collab video to 1 year - open to renegotiation! I would assume it's because D's channel had more traffic 💜
So the purpose is to keep visibility where you get most traffic! If ANYONE searches for BTS in SNL or Corden, they won't look for "OFFICIAL" link! Either they will stumble upon an unofficial link of which there are plenty (Eat the Rich, remember? 🤓) OR they will post BTS Bomb 💜
P.S. it's not BH who needs to pay here! It's the US Networks that needs to pay! All rights to BTS is reserved for BigHit! So either they have it written in the contract OR they can't continue to benefit and earn money from clicks and views from BTS without paying BH! 🤓 #BTSARMY
Now let's see here shall we? Where do you think we have more traffic? I might be English Hons. Graduate but I think BangtanTV got more subscribers than James Corden and SNL COMBINED! No? 🤓💜👇 #BTSARMY
I did some research!
The CDPA (see, sections 182A-182CA) "enables artists to seek royalties for the use of records of their performance, in the same way that authors can claim royalties for use of their work." Who is the artist here? 🤔💜👇
"Who Pays for Performance Rights Royalties?
Music venues, broadcasters, and music streaming services pay fees to PROs. "at a cost of hundreds or thousands of dollars per year. A venue or broadcaster with more listeners will pay higher annual fees." 💜👇
That's how the original song copyright holded/artists get paid! It's called artist royalty! 🤓💜
So who needs to get PAID? BTS! 🤓💜
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