ā€œDespite [Taylor Greeneā€™s] opposition to the stimulus funding and the PPP, her family's company, Taylor Commercial, received a six-figure PPP loan worth between $150,000 and $350,000Ā earlier this year @JRubinBlogger @Olivianuzzi
ā€œGreene, who had loaned her campaign $900,000, donated $450,000 to her campaign about two months after the PPP loan, according to Federal Election Commission records.ā€

She has spent $1million on getting this seat. @cspan @ProjectLincoln @romenewstribune #GA14
ā€œGreene's bid was partially fundedĀ by a super PAC allied with the House Freedom Caucus, which has opposed additional fundingĀ to provide coronavirus relief to Americans. ā€œ @JuddLegum
Taylor Greene took money from taxpayers to pay for her employees while she was also paying herself.

That doesnā€™t jibe with her rhetoric. Call her out, fraud, self-enriching, wealthy, phony. She is self-dealing. @cspanwj @JoeNBC @maddow @JoyAnnReid @brikeilarcnn
ā€˜She says she's a fiscal conservative, she said last week that she opposed additional emergency funding for businesses forced to close because of COVID, but as we've seen on multiple issues, Marjorie doesn't let principle interfere with self-interest,"ā€™ #Georgia #GA14
Greene founded the gym, CrossFit Passion (now known as United Performance), with five-time Games athlete Travis Mayer in Alpharetta, GA in August 2013 and ran it successfully for several years.
Look into her business(es): Greene is the owner of Taylor Commercial, a commercial construction company started by her father five decades ago. She bought him out in 2002 and now renovates apartments, townhomes and commercial buildings in 11 states. @jdawsey1 @axios @kasie
Taylor Greene was endorsed by the House Freedom Fund, the campaign fundraising arm of the House Freedom Caucus, whose members, including Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio and current caucus Chairman Andy Biggs of Arizona. Mark Meadows was a co-founder of the Freedom Caucus
On her FEC filings note monies from ā€œConnell Donatelliā€ https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Donatelli_Group which is a right wing consultancy founded by R. Rebecca ā€œBeckiā€ Donatelli @BeckiDonatelli, See https://annenberg.usc.edu/about/board-councilors/r-rebecca-becki-donatelli
Again. ā€˜Beckiā€™ funded the dangerous Q fabulist Taylor Greene. Beckiā€™s money.
To be clear, @BeckiDonatelli TOOK money from right wing dark money group, House Freedom Fund to push conspiracy theorist Taylor Green. Becki is a respected ā€˜donorā€™ & ā€˜momā€™ at @USCAnnenberg ā€”they like her there. Becki worked hard to put the dangerous Taylor Greene in Congress.
And again, just for further clarification @BeckiDonatelli respected Board member of @USCAnnenberg has brought further pain & grief to the Sandy Hook families. Itā€™s not like Taylor Greene was hiding her views when Beckiā€™s group promoted her. So, Becki is also to blame here. https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1355131078269304836
We go down the Taylor Greene rabbit hole and we do have to stop at @BeckiDonatelli of @USCAnnenberg fame (which offers Becki the veneer of respectability ) but, we see her group is responsible for the Swiftboating of John Kerry and is a conduit for dark $ for Judicial appts.
@BeckiDonatelli group owns both the http://Hillaryno.com  and Hillary http://no.org  domain names. So, we can look at Taylor Greene as the face of this dangerous chaos in our country or we can dig deeper. Academic entities like @USCAnnenberg give Becki cover, but..
So while, Taylor Greene is *sensational, *scandalous, the real stain on our body politic is @BeckiDonatelli ā€”and by extension @USCAnnenberg ā€” Connell Donatelli Inc Total reported payments for the 2020 election cycle: $21,540,234 @OpenSecretsDC

thatā€™s a lot of money.
So we ask the question: @BeckiDonatelli ā€” @USCAnnenberg why is Becki so angry? Why does Beck hate Democracy & by extension hate America? Itā€™s not so much a mentally ill woman, Taylor Greene. Itā€™s a scheming woman, Becki. What is going on her? Where is this $$ coming from?
@BeckiDonatelli company, **while @USCAnnenberg gave cover ā€” Becki Donatelliā€™s company spent over $14 million to fund a Lindsey Graham pac. Fourteen million dollars folks. That is a lot of money. Imagine what $14 million could have done for the homeless and needy families in SC.
Just to add to @USCAnnenberg respected board member @BeckiDonatelli company worked hard to bring this back into our American conversation. https://www.justsecurity.org/72339/qanon-is-a-nazi-cult-rebranded/ ..
I don't how this helps us, how this makes America Great or better..but, we have Becki to thank and USC
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