Some thoughts from me on yesterdays draft budget announcements re. tackling inequalities in Scotland. Whilst some things to cheer about, some others that question the priorities that were at the forefront of the Cabinet Secretary's mind.
The Council Tax freeze was a bit of a surprise. It was described as a means to protect incomes. Whilst there are exceptions, a freeze hands the greatest savings to those in bigger houses on higher incomes. Should they really be prioritised given the year we've just had?
Just last week @resfoundation illustrated just how damaging the pandemic has been to families on the lowest incomes. They think child poverty in Scotland will rise significantly in the next few years due to the pandemic.
The Scottish Child Payment is about to kick off, which is great. This was in yesterday's budget, but was not a 'new' announcement. Perhaps an increase the amount paid would have been appropriate, especially since interim statutory targets for child poverty must be met by 2023/24?
Incidentally, those most likely to be receiving the Scottish Child Payment are least likely to benefit at all from the Council Tax freeze as many will already be protected by the Council Tax Reduction scheme
It was a confusing budget with regards to poverty. Almost feels like the Cab Sec thinks that the Child Payment means 'job done' in terms of social security and has moved attention elsewhere. Far from it. For one, disability and carer benefits need much more attention.
Perhaps the negotiations, and potential further consequentials, will open the door to more spending on tackling poverty in the here and now. If we're to meet the child poverty targets, there will need to be much more.
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