1/ Are women respected in drum and bass, electronic music. To answer that question today I would say definitely NO, well not me at all as yet another historic collaborator has deleted my work from an album I’ve been part of publicly for over 10yrs. This is In addition to my
2/ album being deleted from nearly all streaming services 18months ago with no warning or explanation and add to that the fact labels are sending out my vocals to producers without my permission (which isn’t just contractual it’s just common courtesy) to further their income.
3/this disregard for me and my work has been an ongoing thing for more years than I can remember and it has honestly broken me down, who am I kidding with everything that’s been going on lately this latest fuckeries has me feeling totally beat.
4/ with everything that’s been said about black womxn in the industry I am shocked at the audacity of people saying one thing on social media (performative) and doing the complete opposite in actual life. Do not rest easy if this is you, even better sort it out before I have to.
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