#RunOnEP14 ending feels like it was the end so I was a bit emotional 🥺 Another powerful ending that hits in the heart esp the transition of looking back at their past. Thinking of how much they went through and trying to recover from their past wounds must have been so hard.
"I want to quit. I am about to die."
One of those spoken word in her mind during her tough days. Her out of breathe must have reminded how her life has always been her working non-stop and how she has no one beside her but just herself - her past disclosure.

#RunOnEP14 #RunOn
"You can slow down if you are struggling. Just dont give up." "Loose your shoulders." my heart, seongyeom's narration during mijoo's past really got me 🥺 "I am running so that I won't be robbed." another way of saying I am doing this for myself because

#RunOnEp14 #RunOn
because in the end, you fight your own battle. "If it's not me then who else?" This is how strong and independent mijoo is. She then lifted her head once again, running for her life. But ofc life is not that easy. Life is like a road where it has bumps but it brings

you to somewhere. Theres a point where she wants to give in as she slows down but seeing seongyeom in the finish line assures her that she now has someone waiting for her when things get rough. She then continues to run for herself that eventually leads to him.

#RunOnEp14 #RunOn
"I waited until I could see you." This can be more than about running. He fulfilled the words he mentioned in ep 6 which for once, someone does not make mijoo feel alone along the journey in life bcs his presence is enuf to make her feel secured by being there for her

Following the title #runon, it is all about how life continues to move forward no matter how hard it gets. Even if you choose to stay behind or move on, life still goes on. Life becomes so meaningful when one finally have goals in life just like

how gyeommi defining each other as the finish line in their marathon of life. They have now finally become each other purpose to get through the journey. Adding the parallel scene from ep 2 with this part makes ep 14 ending such a wholesome one 🥺

#RunOnEp14 #RunOn
and when you cross over the finish line it was as if you complete one phase of life and what count is what you do after you cross the line (re: ralph boston quote). This completing one phase of life refers to gyeommi overcoming their struggling past.

#RunOnEp14 #RunOn
"what count is what you do after you cross the line." which means that gyeommi's life is just the beginning! even better that they now have each other to lean on, share happiness and not to mention the self-love they invest in for stable n healthy relationship 🥺💕 #RunOnEp14
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