The Economist, as always, willing to take a more balanced stance.
They understand that gender identity does not somehow mitigate male-pattern violence.
They understand self-ID
They point out the lack of consideration for incarcerated women in making these policies
Also interesting @NoXYinXXprisons they have some numbers on inmate requests to switch housing since the new policy implemented earlier this month.
And of course, while they say they have a committee to decide housing, they make it clear that they rely purely on self-ID. They admit that men who take no hormones and have intact penises are eligible to be moved to women’s housing.
Yes, men will share cells with women, and yes, they are aware of the risk of harm to the female inmates, including the risk of pregnancy. Note that incarcerated women have spotty access to contraceptives and abortion. They are not given condoms.
They say they don’t have the “data tools” to track where trans-identified inmates are housed, but they admit they do track this information, apparently well enough that they knew who to give this survey to (and where to find them).
Interestingly, the brilliant @NoXYinXXprisons recently added California to their website, in consultation with @WomensLibFront. Both organizations are monitoring this unethical social experiment and working to advocate for incarcerated women.
I just noticed that the @aclu is quoted here advocating for women - I suspect @chasestrangio will not be pleased they are cited in an article discussing the insanity of permitting male offenders to *choose* to share cells with women, and doesn’t give women a choice in the matter.
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