How to deal with regrets

You need to understand that we all make mistakes.

Understand that you didnt take the wrong choice, you picked the lesson.

Instead of contemplating your poor decision and expressing remorse

You should be looking into why you did whatever you did.
Defining the reason behind yor regret and what pushed you to pick the wrong choice

Is the first step to getting rid of regrets.

If you can pinpoint the reasons that put you on this track, you can anticipate your future behavior not to do it again later
When looking back, it is useless to take your emotional state into account

Instead, be completely objective and rude with yourself

Judge yourself as if you were judging someone else

Which means that you should not take it personally

Detach yourself to better understand
Now that you know why, it is time to move on

You have pointed out what made you pick the wrong track

You now know what parameters are making you regrets

Next time, you will ignore those parameters.

If you know them, you can also get rid of them.
What if you're not sure whether you regret or not?

Simple, you don't.

If you have doubt then it is probably coming from external influence.


Keep walking your path with confidence and certitude.

Doubt is a burden you don't need.

Regrets are also a burden you dont need
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