This @GeorgeMonbiot is why critical thinkers are looking very closely at the PCR false positives: the mechanism that justified the ‘fear’ to set in motion ‘emergency’ measures, which in turn justified unprecedented strategies, resulting in carnage and boding far worse unless....
Unless a brave enough investigative journalist, or two, would make a thorough job of looking past mirages of state-endorsed ‘fact checks’ to engage with specialist scientists such as @MichaelYeadon3 with (PhD respiratory pharmacol.) who offers facts worthy of our attention....
Dr Yeadon’s explanation of the misuse of the PCR test is thoroughly communicated in his many tweets, yet his illuminating information has not been graced with the amplification of broadcast. Maybe because it’s good news reality does not fit the state agenda for fear-mongering....
It would be pertinent to bring to the public’s attention that “there is no evidence that this test has any relevance at all” and that the packaging of the Roche PCR test states “you cannot use this test to find or detect a virus” (both quotes Dr Tom Cowan). ⬇️ Dr Karry Mullins...
It would also be if great interest to the public to understand that not only was the PCR fraudulently mis-sold for profit by Dr C Drosten, but that it has been run in such a way that it has delivered false positives estimated up to 95%. The implications of this are enormous...
Once the false positives are removed and the case numbers are acknowledged as the “completely bogus, make believe numbers” (Dr Tom Cowan) that they are, the public could be less afraid. That is not the agenda however, the agenda is to instil fear, so the state introduces death...
The definition of a covid-related death is any death where a patient tested positive (using the same deeply flawed test remember) with in 28 days of death (soon to be 60). Any death, be it from brain tumour, liver failure or pneumonia gets allocated to ‘C’ in this new terrain....
Doctors and nurses at every level, both nationally and internationally, have been clamouring right have their concerns heard on this highly irregular practice ushered in under ‘emergency measures’ (see how the PCR test justifies the narrative yet?), yet they have not been heard..
The reluctance to acknowledge medics concerns about the distortion of ‘case’ numbers and ‘c-related’ deaths is matched by the reluctance to utilise already existing medicines such as Ivermectin which could have been used for the past months to reduce suffering and save lives....
Ivermectin is a safe medicine, already in use for decades, and proven (World Doctors Alliance) to be extremely effective in treating covid, delivering a success rate of 99.52%. This is such great news, we could be broadcasting it, ending lockdowns, saving and rebuilding lives...
So why isn’t this news getting out and why isn’t this happening? It turns out that the pre-existence of a safe and effective treatment for this virus is inconvenient to those who require there not to be such a medicine, as it would nullify the conditions of ‘emergency use’......
Which allow a new, experimental, but state preferred treatment. It would be pertinent to connect for example, the fact that Dr Fauci has interests in the ‘jab’ that is being offered so enthusiastically (forcefully), which may have lead to his role in discrediting Ivermectin...
Under ‘emergency terms’ (justified by all the false C ‘case’ and ‘death numbers) an experimental genetically modifying treatment, for which ‘vaccine’ is a misnomer, is being rolled out, without completion of its trial phase, to a public, unable to give ‘informed consent......
Setting aside the sinister detail that the elders on whom his trial has begun are in the least able position to gain the information that they are taking part in a trial which puts them at more risk than the original virus did, the public as a whole are similarly oblivious.....
This may be the moment to flag up the role of the media, which should be to inform the public of facts which are relevant to their wellbeing, and has instead ranged from knowing complicity in fraud to wilful ignorance or laziness 🦦. The facts that could liberate us: obviated....
Meanwhile the government, unfettered by debate or discussion regarding their unprecedented and unscientifically endorsed strategies, has continued in a long hard oppression of civil liberties and free speech. As the MSM has failed citizens we have relied on social media....
Only to learn that social media is also corrupted by the agendas of #BigPharma and #BigTech and is complicit in disallowing the sharing of information and views pertinent to the wellbeing of humanity itself. Accounts have been limited, suspended and closed, without reason.......
So, the public is starved of the news it needs for its freedom to be restored, patients are denied access to the medicines which would aid them, and those whose eyes are open to the unnecessary and avoidable forces destroying our nation and decimating it daily, can not protest..
There are sub-elements to this story, details such as the utterly nonsensical imposition of masks, (a history of ‘politically pressured’ Uturns by the WHO, made serious by the use of fines and assault against those who know their purposelessness except for instilling submission..
The story is also held in frame, a context where it benefits from the depth of historical knowledge and the breath of political awareness. Looking backwards we can remember moments in history when nations were razed only for new leadership/strategies to be embraced at cost....
By looking around us, at the wider world we can ask why are 87,000 nurse in the Netherlands unwilling to accept the treatment? Why is Australia owning that it now using a “stick” (their own minister’s word) to ensure the ‘jab’ is accepted (No jab no pay). UK employees coerced...
Today in the U.K. care workers, many of whom are young women on low pay, being coerced and bullied into accepting a treatment which may compromise their fertility or lose their jobs (only doctor’s note exempts them). Teachers are next, children soon. In Indonesia students....
So why set such a focus on the treatment itself, even if we disregard everything that we have learnt so far (that case numbers are grossly inflated, c-death numbers are a meaningless porridge and that the risk has passed and the justification for lockdown nullified).....
Why wouldn’t we want to accept a experimental genetically modifying treatment which is in its trial phase? (apart from keeping our jobs, being able to participate in life and end the torture we have endured, for the most part in ignorance that it was unneeded and unnecessary)....
There are many reasons that we may wish to be extremely cautious of accepting this treatment and only by typing very carefully can I tell you about them. The treatment is in its trial phase and trails will be completed in February 2023. Yes, our elders are now in the trial.....
The first to have received the various treatments have experienced a high adverse reaction rate amounting to 2.7%. Reactions have included facial paralysis, uncontrollable ongoing tremors and death. In a population of 66M a 2.7% adverse reaction could effect over 1M people....
Globally the scientifically documented risk of individuals effected ADE (docs available) would escalate to millions. Who would want that? How could that be justified when medicines already exist for what is an influenza? The levelling was the justification for the solution.....
The narrative needs to run that there is a health crisis, that the unprecedented Lockdown strategy (exported from CHN) is the ‘only’ way forward and that rather than having our life and civil liberties ‘back’ we can ‘build back better’. No democratic process has ushered in this..
All of the changes implemented that have lead to the loss of our human rights and restrictions on our civil liberties have been implemented under ‘emergency’ measures (see why that PCR test was needed?) and LD will only end when enough citizens have complied with the treatment...
Then the dial will be turned down, (NB. Recommended PCR revolutions right now being dropped from 37/40 to 20!) and it will be the ‘jab’ that won the day against the invisible enemy (measured only by gov endorsed ‘experts’) of the virus. What would be left of our country/world...
If we allow the scenario where the lockdowns persist until ‘everyone’ is ‘vaccinated’ and the ‘risk’ has passed, with most independent businesses and arts organisations eradicated by then, and millions on Uni Credit or UBI, we deliver ourselves into a ready made ‘solution’....
Await the next pandemic (mutation of virus necessitating another treatment, this time including in-built surveillance, for our own protection), plus the upcoming Cyberpandemic (scheduled) and the impending food shortages (worry not Gates has all the seeds safe at Svalbard)....
Compliant U.K citizens could be ‘fine’; with Covid passports they will be able to meet, eat, drink, listen to music and travel in a society not unlike modern day China. Small business owners, artists, any who were previously independent, will have to be retrained. However,.....
What fate awaits those of us who value independence, creativity, freedom or speech and freedom of thought? Those of us who know our human rights are being impinged upon right now and want no more of it, no more boots in our faces, and instead the liberty and the power to resist..
A plan has been made for us that professes to be ‘Smart’. It’s one in which delightful, creative, quirky, unpredictable humans are rounded up into Smart cities, into Smart cars (which we will not own- but we will be happy), to live Smart lives and monitored by our Smart phones...
It will be for our own ‘good’ (if you know your Orwell you’ll already notice that your ability to be intellectually agile, enquiring, challenging and mischievously minded has already been ‘upgraded’ to the ++ positive NewSpeak of Smart). For the very few it might be ‘better’.....
However, whilst Schwab, Gates, big banks and global elites ride high on the international seas, unchecked by national governments unfettered by any who wish to seek recourse for what they’ve lost, the masses, yes that’s you @GeorgeMonbiot and I, and all fellow folk, it’s hell....
From what I know about modern day China, where individuals are at the mercy of their social credit scores, physically limited, psychologically impinged upon and spiritually homeless, it’s not a place where I want to live. I don’t want that ‘way’ here. I want to RESIST it....
I, and thousands that I know of, tens and hundreds of thousands that I am aware of want to REPEL this plan for a not so ‘great’ reset. I want instead, journalists of integrity, those with platforms large enough to amplify the facts that matter, to dis-spell the lies that hold....
This nation, and all nations globally, are being held captive by a false narrative. For it is always those who control the narrative who control the power. To take back control of the narrative, for our health (physical, mental and economic) we need to shine a light on truth.....
So do us, and yourselves, a favour, a huge courageous act worthy of approbation: make the effort to shine the torch of your intellect on the PCR test. Science may not be your first language, but with some application and focused work (it’s your job right?) you can pull the card..
Pull the single PCR card away on which the whole ‘house of cards’ (Dr Reiner Fuellmich) rests on. As the travesty is seen (the naked emperor, the thieving tailors) and the populace understand how they have been robbed (the wizard revealed from behind his curtain), mists clear....
The Lion of this nation (Aslan) can be freed by the gnawing of hundreds of tiny mice but which sentinel, endorsed by the state, will date to stand the on the right side of history and tell this story to the nation. Who will set our people free? If not @GeorgeMonbiot then who?....
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