Juan Ferrando's general tactics at FC Goa (a thread)
He has shown trust in his 433, which sometimes shifts to 4231 according to the situation, mostly.
He hasn't tweaked much with what he used in previously in Greece. He wanted his most creative player to sit deep dictate the game from there. Which we are seeing at FCG also. This time from Edu Bedia!
Edu Bedia has a huge role in his setup! He plays that Defensive Midfielder role, where he slots between the CBs, or in either side of them. Which makes it a 3v2 in their favour. And eventually pushes the Full Backs higher.
You can interpret it in a different way:
When the opposition presses with front 3, the two deeper midfielders make a back 4 with two CBs, making 4v3 in their favour. And the one Midfielder, Noguera or Brandon, sweeps across depending on which side the ball is.
That designated Back 4 may be in different layouts. For example, both the pivots will drop between CBs. For other example, either of two pivots, Edu Bedia generally, goes to the Full back area and the other one drops between, pushing one of the CB to the other Full back area.
Ivan Gonzalez, Edu Bedia and James Donachie are the key players in buildup. They have the highest number of passes among all the other CB-DM combo in the league*

*If not highest, then second for sure
He plays the most vital part in the system(as said in pre season) and statistically, he is the most engaged passer in the league.

91.5 touches a game(even more than Jahouh)
64.5 succ passes a game(most in the league) with 87.5% acc.
Highest number of passes in the league(1005)
Role of full backs:

Their first responsibility is to expand the pitch. They always stick to the touchline in order to open the compactness in the middle for the Midfielders to penetrate, which usually Brandon and Noguera does.
Brandon Fernandes has the highest number of key passes per game(2.6). Only behind Gallego (3.1) Facundo (2.8) and Crivellaro (2.7)
Both Seriton and Gama stay very very higher up the flank in possession. They always get a 2v1 in their favour which helps all the four to get into dangerous positions. Ortiz usually drifts in as he is an inverted winger(LW) while Romario stays wide as he is a natural winger (RW)
We have seen both Romario and Seriton delivering crosses from the byline. Which often leads to some dangerous situations in their favour.

While we know Ortiz drifts in, sometimes Saviour also gets inside and you might remember some of great chances where he has been involved.
Cross field switches are also a common feature here. Generally it's from the Right Back half space to the Left Back on other side. Means it's supposed to be Bedia to Gama. Switches are a good weapon if you have able players. It's not for everyone..
Practically, the teams concentrates it's players to the side of the ball. Often leaving a huge space down there, especially if you are using something like 442. Those cross field passes finds the players which allows them to make dangerous passes inside the box.
Full backs in half spaces are among the uncommon things to watch. However, it's not uncommon in FC Goa. Saviour Gama is sometimes seen in the half spaces. Especially when Ortiz or Angulo is wide down the Left Flank. Gama plays a huge role in this system.
It's not only Edu Bedia who uses long balls. Ivan Gonzalez also has a good amount of long balls attempted per game.

This is accurate long balls per game.
Numerical advantage in midfield:

After all those man advantages at the back and wings, they also look to have a man advantage in the middle. Their general way of getting this is the ball carrying. Here, Ivan(or Edu) carries out the ball and makes a 3v2
In case if the opponent is in 433, the winger will drop to make a 4v3.

Why they do so?

They do so that they can quickly make a man free who can play a splitting ball to Angulo, who is very clever you know. You call this the most important move in the entire buildup.
Not to mention the brilliance of Ortiz. He is allowed to dribble inside straightaway. He is among the best ball carriers in the league. Up among the likes of Hugo Boumous, Liston Colaco and Bright Enobakhare. He has adapted to every role assigned to him.
Be it playing as a Winger, or as a #10 or as a SS or as a Striker or as a False 9 in absense of Angulo. He has done it all with effectiveness.

Ferrando has often selected him as a #10 over other genuine options. Which shows his idea of a #10.
Juan Ferrando wants his #10 to be the one who is able pass, shoot, dribble, progress, carry, cover and score. Him at #10 have again pushed Brandon in a wide #10 role.
After seeing all those layouts, one will surely think that the space left by Full Backs are a huge concern. Also we have seen many teams targetting that Left Back region on the breaks. As Saviour is higher than Seriton usually.
But possession and passing is the key. They have:
-The highest average possession (63.5).
-They have highest number of passes(6621)
-Highest number of goals(18)
These pretty high numbers!!
Possession is their key of defense. As long as you have the ball, you don't have to defend
Coming to the conclusion, one can say that his main philosophy consists of positional play, numerical advantage and high intensity game, which we haven't seen yet, but better be ready for it. Imagine how good this team will look when it will finally click in!
Juan Ferrando is destined to be a success at Goa and he is desperate to leave his mark on Indian Football. Plus the valuable opportunity to represent himself, his team, FC Goa and the entire Indian football. He has a golden opportunity in his hands. Hope he makes everyone proud.
That's it! Thanks for the read :-)

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