Let me put it this way, there different signs and aspects that all lead to the same conclusion. Many here haven't figured yet what is changing right before our eyes. An example might help: Consumption that is not necessary now, likely will look expensive as hell.
Let's say you getting a new iphone. Imagine spending approx 1k now on a phone that you'll be discarding in 4-5 years anyway. Then thinking back how much that would be worth if you had bought bitcoin. The mass adoption is leaping forwards with institutions buying.
Ever felt you can't save much and are being left behind. That gut feeling is not just an illusion. We are a generation that is likely to end up with less than the previous generations. Unless you are inheriting big time. I wont.
Remember when stocks like Amazon or Google or Apple were available for a few bucks? This thing has a potential to go up even more crazy if you got a long time horizon.
And it's easier to get. You don't have to buy a full share. Or a full coin. Even 50 bucks or less can get you started. Fees are lower too.
The old finacnial system with the stock markets etc are rigged and manipulated. And it was exposed through memes to people that didn't pay attention before. because investing is not on the clock for ordinary people. it is even less sexy of a thing to do when you are a teenager.
But smart folks with a collaborative effort not only exposed the guys at wall street. they also made it more approachable with memes. And this is probably an eye opening moment in history.
That being said. Don't take loans, don't borrow money. Dont invest money you need in near term. This is a long term game. And you need to start educating yourself. This is no getting rich quick scheme. This is still a risky bet on the future.
Like most didn't anticipate Facebook to become such a beast. There were only a few that knew from the beginning.
Having said that, it's a risky bet, but if you don't invest your last shirt, and could live with the potential losses short term, you might be in for a game changing thing. Cheers.
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