Imagine buying your partner a $1000 gift when all they needed was a hug. Now you’re thinking he/she is ungrateful cuz they’re not satisfied. At times we put too much effort into doing what we think our partner wants & not enough time into understanding what they need.
I’m not saying don’t buy your partner gifts. I just used that as an analogy. Each person has their preferences, things that fulfill them. All I’m saying is pay attention to those things.
Even if it’s something you never did before or don’t enjoy, as long as it’s not immoral, illegal or goes against your religion, there’s nothing wrong with engaging in such for the sake of your partner’s fulfillment.
I know we all are individuals, raised differently, experienced different situations, have different mental processes. And when you’re single, it’s fine to live by those things, but in relationships you have to think about that other person & align your actions accordingly
It’s not about changing who you are. It’s about adding to who you are since you have made an addition to your life. And if you’re really into that person engaging in anything that makes them happy, should make you happy too.
The same way we learn new skills & seek more knowledge to be efficient & effective in our careers. The same principles apply. You cannot take your accounting degree to be a certified & qualified pilot.
In anything new, we have to become a beginner all over again. And sometimes our biggest problem is that we believe that because of our age, experience & accomplishments, that starting at the bottom is above us. Humility will take you great places. Attitude, not aptitude.
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