Asked in a discussion yesterday for a list of things individuals can do to prevent human extinction. I don't think we'll go extinct just yet. So focusing on creating a fair, just economy in which all life can thrive is a good start. So in each purchase or decision you make, ask..
How is this having a negative effect on the conditions conducive to life in my locality? How is this having a negative effect on those conditions on a global basis? How is it having a negative effective on people in my locality? Or a negative effect on people globally?
What does conducive to life mean? Is there anything in it that contains chemicals that damage the prospects of life in water, air or land? Is there anything in the way it is used that damages the prospects of life in water, air or land? Does it use water-based chemistry?
Does it contribute to the extractive economy or the regenerative economy? Is it a product, process, action or service that enhances and encourages collaborative, compassionate, inclusive, generous, kind, uplifting, connective, behaviour from humans? (subjective to values)
Does it help to revitalise community or increase the story of separation between humanity? Is there any way in which it contributes to division between religion, gender, ethnicity, age?
Does it revitalise or contribute to the degradation of air quality, soil health, water health, ocean acidification, deforestation, biodiversity (plant, insect, wild animal) loss, animal welfare?
Does it help you be a good neighbour and a good ancestor? Read @romankrznaric book if you need more suggestions on what that means. Does it make your place of work or living - office, house, village, town, city, houseboat - more diverse, creative, adaptable, cleaner, healthier?
In other words, create and build a practice of discernment. Question and reflect. Join a community of practice. Disrupt your thinking about what you really need in life. Live 'Less & More'. Less Stuff More Love. Less Impact More Imagination. Less Extraction More Regeneration.
You can follow @jenandersson1.
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