Vaccines in Wales, bird's eye view.
How do we keep a rapid and sustained vaccination rate for a two dose vaccine regime?
Assuming supply is constant:
1. Sufficient capacity - a mixed model of mass/community and GPs
2. Optimising the number of vaccinations in each setting
3. Coordinating scheduling is a big deal especially in a two dose regime as all settings need to see who has been scheduled an appointment. Agreements between health boards and GPs on who is calling whom also supports this (but complex as many people fall into more than 1 group)
The Welsh Immunisation System core booking facility is currently quite key to this. 4
4. Resilient systems. Nobody like the word. However it is important. This will be a long campaign and it is not just immunisers that are needed. Running this operation is a huge administrative task particularly around scheduling and data entry
In my view GP practices will need support or buddying to cope with this, weekend after weekend, until we are through (because the day job goes on)
I commend the work of @hughes_eilir @karenpardy Dr Jim McGuigan and many others in adopting collaborative community approaches
5. Some communities have special circumstances and careful thought is given to meeting their needs... Rurality, ethnic minorities, homeless
In my view the only way to do this is to strengthen community collaboration. This is our fastest way out of this terrible time.
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