We’re about to watch something interesting. The people who have been covering Q for the past 3 years have been looking at it as an organic prank that spiralled out of control. Which is perfectly understandable, because in the beginning that is how it appeared.
In all of their reporting, there appears to have been almost no attempt to get to the bottom of who's actually behind it, and the few podcasts that did ( @replyall "Country of Liars" episode and @Jake_Hanrahan's Q Clearance) were great, but stopped pretty early in the picture.
Recently, people have begun to investigate the idea that this thing which functions as a staggeringly successful propaganda campaign might in fact be an orchestrated operation. They have been met with fierce ridicule and often outright aggression.
This week a documentary has come out from which makes the case for it being an operation even clearer, and identifies the people responsible. So, how is it going to be received by the community? https://twitter.com/VICETV/status/1354861981291794434?s=20
Sadly it seems they will simply smear it, and stick their heads further in the sand.

When presented with the idea that it is an operation, they say there is no evidence for it. When presented with evidence for it, they say it could just be fake. https://twitter.com/nickbackovic/status/1354415084534198274?s=20
Ironically, when asked for any evidence to support their hypothesis, they have nothing at all, other than to say it's "not necessary". So usually they simply ignore the question, or resort to attacks
There is nothing impossible, or even implausible, about the idea that this thing which has brainwashed millions of people into thinking Trump is God's gift is in fact a deliberate and professional operation rather than a weird accident.
Roger Stone explicitly used Alex Jones and his platform to weaponise conspiracy theories to help elect Trump. That and 4chan is where Pizzagate came from.
Micheal Flynn is not a dumb credulous grifter who was lucky enough to stumble across this internet cult which hailed him a hero. He is traitorous former general who was talking about having "an army of digital soldiers" in 2016.
This is what happened when Robert David Steel was asked about Thomas Schoenberger. This is a guilty man. Credit to @ATafoyovsky
All this was presented to the Q watchers months ago. And rather than look into it, they still chose to ignore it. And actively encouraged people NOT to investigate:
This thing is an attack. There is no question any more. It's extremely dangerous. We've really tried to raise the alarm as loud as we can: https://twitter.com/River_Advntures/status/1332326722931281921?s=20
So. A "Q watching" community has grown here. These folk have built up a loyal following of people who 'debunk' it with them. And when the deeply held assumptions that a community is built on, which people have become invested in, are challenged, it can go several ways.
There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. Happens all the time, and this is an extremely powerful machine. The devil has a habit of making the world think he doesn't exist. Doubling down on them is the problem.
So, I guess this is a heads up. Watch out for those doubling down and sticking their fingers in their ears. In the courtroom of public opinion, be aware of those who are acting as defence counsel for the fascists, and who try to let them keep getting away with it.
None of this is to say that America doesn't have deeply rooted issues which need to be addressed. These are exactly what this operation was able to EXPLOIT. It's not a binary either / or. Fires are a natural phenomenon. And arson is a deadly crime. https://twitter.com/nickbackovic/status/1354861250686156802?s=20
The reality is that this documentary only scratches the surface. Now we need to get on with the task of uncovering the full extent of this, and prosecuting the people responsible. This is GOOD news for this beat. There is a LOT to do, and it is fascinating stuff.
It's extremely complicated, and defies a simple explanation. We NEED good investigative journalists to cover the full scope of this. Q watchers: Thank you for your work, we love you, and we need you now more than ever. We have the momentum to get the right attention on this thing
"Q" was only ever one head of this hydra. Once it's gone, which it looks like it is, the people responsible will continue manipulating people with the rest of their disinformation machine. We can't afford to let that happen.
Look into Robert David Steel, Thomas Schoenberger, Trevor Fitzgibbons, Unity4J, Lisa Clapier, Mikki Willis, Sean Stone. Chart the radicalisation of people like Cassandra Fairbanks and Cynthia Mckinney. Nail Steve Bannon and Roger Stone to the fucking wall. Find names I've missed.
This is far from over, and we need to be on our A game. No reporting is perfect. Any coverage will make mistakes. Do not allow that to distract from the key facts: "Q" is part of a deliberate propaganda campaign which exploits vulnerabilities by weaponising conspiracies.
We have a very good idea of who is responsible for it, and how they did it. They need to be brought to justice for the harm they have caused. To individuals, to families, and to the shared notions of truth we require for a functioning democracy. Let's go.
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