I am really glad to see an outwardly successful person discuss these feelings in a really frank and honest way, and especially what Fischer says about medication https://twitter.com/geoff_calkins/status/1354996461205938178
I'm generally a happy and extroverted guy. Wonderful family. Happy marriage. Working in my dream industry. And I am *constantly* battling with a tiny voice that occasionally tells me to jump off the 94, that tells me my brain will never get better. It's just a biological flaw
You can often treat that! You can learn to ignore it. I'm pretty good about that! But it's always gonna be there.

But it's nice to see that there are others that have to talk that voice down too, even people who have plenty of things to be happy about.
My dad never learned to block that voice out. He died when I was 19. He suffered a lot before then. I wouldn't want anybody else to experience that pain.

It really does get better. It's a damn shame that sometimes our brains trick us into thinking it can't
I'm not sharing this because I want a pity party or anything. I'm good! I've got meds and a therapist and a routine and I'm about as well balanced as anybody could be given {gestures to everything}

I just think its worth noting that ANYBODY could be fighting this stuff
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