Alright, I'm feeling a shout-out thread just for the heck of it! I've interacted with some amazing people on here and I wanna spread the love!
First off, I gotta give some props to @the3rdplayer . This guy is one of the nicest people and it's always a pleasure when we interact on here! He does some amazing horror streaming (with hilarious clips, I might add) and also has a blog. Check him out!
@Gunderslam is perhaps the most metal dude I've ever met in my life! He does a ton of video game metal covers on his YouTube channel and, perhaps most importantly, he loves Hollow Knight 😜
SPEAKING OF HOLLOW KNIGHT, I can't pass over it's biggest fan, @SilariaGames / @SilariaCreates . Silaria is perhaps the kindest, goofiest, most enjoyable streamer I've ever seen on Twitch and she just celebrated her 3rd Anniversary on the platform! She also designs pixel art!
Another friend I've talked with lately is @mckennagames , as we've been nerding out over all things Pokemon with its impending 25th Anniversary next month. McKenna streams on Twitch, blogs, and also runs a YouTube channel! She's currently blazing through Pokemon Yellow!
The current face of gaming journalism would be lesser if @cianmaher0 weren't a part of it. This man knows his Witcher lore and is the most passionate Guinness fan in Ireland...perhaps the whole damn world!
Last, but certainly not least, the @LaFaveBros , @emmettlafave and @King_Kazama_ . These guys have been pumping out Elder Scrolls content on their channel for quite some time now. From live-action skits to hilarious gameplay, these guys are my favorite thing on YouTube right now!
Oh and @danomak ! I can't forget him! A streamer and analytical YouTuber for video games, Danomak gives his personal thoughts on a variety of gaming topics. Go check out his YouTube channel! A must-follow for any Destiny fans!
Sorry if I missed anyone, but there's so many awesome people on here I could name. If we talk on here, please know that I truly treasure each and every one of our interactions! You're all such wonderful people! Okay, that's it! Ta-ta for now!
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