We want to tell the truth about the suffering of our world. But here are three things about the intensely URGENT AND APOCALYPTIC culture of Twitter actually prevents me from grappling with the truth about suffering sometimes. (thread)
1. Most people need to manage the amount of suffering they absorb in a day. Twitter seems to demand that you withstand life's terror every day, at all times, or else you are somehow complicit. I wish there were more grace for the way that we need moments of exposure and shelter.
In the cancer clinic, the nurses always turned off the news. I always appreciated that as a permission slip. One day's suffering is enough.
2. The pace. The pace of Twitter demands that if someone levels an accusation, it must be answered within hours or else that signals something else. It seems like a perverse biorhythm to conform the hours of our precious days to this arbitrary schedule.
3. I love experts. I love a good pause to hear what they say. Jumping on every issue is not always bravery. I'm not an epidemiologist or botanist or forensic psychologist. If we rush, we often simply fall into confirmation bias. A pause to weigh evidence is not simply "silence"
I'm sure all of this has been said before, but I just wanted to be honest about how much I have loved the community I've made here, but how much this forum gives me pause about how we weigh each other's sorrow.
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