earlier today someone broached the subject of genre and if it really mattered and I had a lot of conflicting opinions that I feel I must share. Genre helps listeners form expectations about what they are likely to hear, and as an artist its fun to play with those expectations BUT
Too often merely defying expectation about what can be included in a genre is mistaken for something that somehow improves upon conventions already found in the genre. A little goes a LONG way in this regard; otherwise you risk disrespecting the listener's expectations AND thus
they will abandon those expectations and probably all interest in your music...because they no longer have an interest in what they are about to hear, because they no longer have any idea what it might be. In my own work I have struggled with this mightily because of the way
in which my brain works, it just makes a stew of everything I like and says "fuck it, good enough" and then I hope and pray that anyone has the patience to listen and develop an interest in what ME PERSONALLY has to say as an artist and NOT in the genre that they already enjoy SO
My point to all this is that genre's are hyper important to accruing and satisfying listeners, and really good craftsman in the world of metal can maintain genre conventions while still being creative within those elements and standing apart- this is VERY difficult to do
To be able to make genre music that is well crafted, creative, and unique is the ultimate goal for most of us trying to find our niche in metal, because GENREs come with BUILT IN listeners and if you have the ability to captivate a few of them, MANY more MIGHT FOLLOW, WHEREAS
If you are like me and constantly pushing the envelop in different genre-contrast dichotomies in each song and between riffs, its not intelligible to most listeners without them having to really dig in and figure out wtf you mean, and honestly, who can be arsed in today's economy
SO in conclusion that is why bands like PARTY CANNON are so intriguing, b/c they make great genre music while also threatening to do something wild and unexpected, and at least giving you the idea that they might do so at any moment, and not with any elaborate musical trope BUT
merely with an incongruous name and a different looking logo and solid, competent genre work. fin
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