You don’t own the $ in your checking or savings accounts either. It’s numbers on a screen. You don’t own the movies you watch, you stream them. You don’t own the music you listen to, you stream it. Increasingly, if you’re young, you don’t own your dwelling, you rent it. (1/n)
You don’t own your books if you downloaded them on a tablet. The last 20 years have seen the radical decline in ownership. Instead, permissions are now simply rented or leased via subscription. This allows the true owners to manipulate your consumption. (2/n)
With banking, this has been true for a bit longer. How much stuff of value do you possess? How much gold and silver, how much art, how much expensive tech or fine clothes? Beyond that, you don’t own a whole lot. Your house and car—if you actually own them. (3/n)
Most people go about their lives with very little in the way of resources. They rely on screens telling them they have x-thousand in the bank. Then they take y-thousand or y-hundred out of THAT screen and pour it into an account on ANOTHER screen in hopes that it “grows” (4/n)
If every number on all those little screens went to 0, what would you have? It’s all fake, people. It really, really is. That’s what today (and to a lesser extent 2008) has proven. Next time you invest, or your direct deposit hits, think about it. (5/n)
Some numbers on a screen went up. And you took that to mean an increase in value. Was it? Not when the powers-that-be can simply pull the rug out. It’s fake, gang. It’s fake. And society is summarily screwed as a result. As our previous President would often say: Enjoy! (6/6)
Appendix: wherever and whenever possible, find physical media. Discs, paper books, records. Invest in stuff that is actually yours that can’t be taken or retroactively manipulated. Own things. Have things. It’s important.
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