1/ There are two perspectives that have emerged during this $GME saga. One is the libertarian one, which longs for some state of complete deregulation so that everyone can equally manipulate markets - hence resolving the ongoing Wall Street hypocrisy https://twitter.com/WSBChairman/status/1354931043187511296
2/ The problem isn't that the big guys are misbehaving, but I don't get to equally misbehave. Once we drop the shackles of regulation and other barriers like Robinhood's actions, total "freedom" will spontaneously emerge, and we'll go to the moon.
3/ In this view, no power analysis exists. No possibility of extreme capital concentration exists- which would then control finance, media, & other components of trading. Calling itself 'libertarian,' it pushes extreme authoritarianism - life under unaccountable private tyrannies
4/ The second view is socialist - one that would rather emancipate labor and the population at large from these private tyrannies and have the state respond to the public's needs, as opposed to the needs of private capital and wealth, as it does now.
5/ Demands can include return of Glass–Steagall, community banking, overhaul of banking regulation for transparency, breaking up the banks; and in the long term, worker and public ownership of wealth. There is a ton of literature on this, won't get into it here.
6/ It'd be a shame if this moment isn't used to organize some of these demands, when the grotesque nature of this highly financialized, flimsy economy is going through a legitimacy problem. But note the profound totality of capitalism https://twitter.com/ap_prose/status/1354484957863792642?s=20
7/Short of such challenges, crowdfunding rallies to inflate the equity of dying companies so they can pay off their debts is hardly an outcome that will undermine the power of finance https://twitter.com/ap_prose/status/1354483565510025219?s=20
8/ Modern libertarians have never demanded democracy, they've always asked for "freedom" - the freedom of capital to subjugate every other aspect of life, hence defeating their own dreams of a free life before it even begins.

Socialists must demand freedom through democracy.
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