Say hello to pastor Matt Trewhella, founder of pro-life organization, Missionaries to the Preborn, & pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church in the Milwaukee, WI area.

In addition to his homophobic & sexist rhetoric his sermons and speeches encourage violence & hate.

A lot can be said about this man who has spread hatred & misinformation for decades but I will start with something he teaches and preaches to his congregation that not only seeks to justify RW extremist violence but will lead to terrorism being committed by his followers.
On his website and on the online Christian sermon library, sermonaudio[dot]com, hundreds of Trewhella’s sermons and speeches can be found.

One sermon title stood out to me; Tyrannicide- Judges 3:12-30.

It was published on 11/22/20.

It’s contents are disturbing.
Trewhella quotes from two books which he claims that “every person should read and every one of my children have to read,”

1.) Policraticus, written by John of Salisbury around 1159

2.) A short treatise on political power, written by John Ponet & published in 1556
With the help of Policraticus, Trewhella states that killing a tyrant is a “virtuous act” and that sometimes “tyrants need to be taken down.”
Trewhella goes on to say that, “there is still time for individuals to take down tyrants” and seeks to make a case for violent vigilante justice against tyrants.
The most disturbing part about this sermon is not that he is condemning tyranny but rather HOW he defines tyrants.

The implication here is that CV19 restrictions and other “anti-Christian” laws being implemented by governors is tyranny and therefore tyrannicide is justified.
On Matt Trewhella’s YouTube channel, Defy Tyrants, he uploaded a video titled, Violence is a tool.

It was uploaded nearly a week after J6 and the Capitol Riots.
I will continue to add to this thread as I go through Matt Trewhella’s dangerous sermons and speeches.

He has spread misinformation, hatred and violent rhetoric for too long and needs to be held accountable.
You may find this an interesting thread to follow.

@MNUnitedAF @AntiFashGordon @AntifascistF12 @AntifaGarfield @discord__panic @SalishcoastA @socialistdogmom @trashpandaAFA @chadloder

Also if you know of any Milwaukee area anti-fascist groups please tag them.
You can follow @RWParlerWatch.
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