The powers that be don't quite get that for most young people, especially since 2008, the entire structure of the economy is a sick joke. There is no inherent value, and most of what Wall Street does should be illegal.

So if we can kamikaze bankrupt some hedge funds, great. /1
You think Gamestop is worthless? By your rules it is. By our rules, your hedge fund shouldn't exist. And while Gamestop is itself predatory, it sells things we like. It employs people in our communities. It pays taxes & local rents.

We don't care about your notion of "value." /2
Many of us will happily burn our own money in a bonfire to help save a dingy place that is circling the drain by your rules--but means a lot more to us than the vulture billionaires salivating over its demise & looking to sell it off for scrap. We want to bankrupt those guys. /3
Are some people taking irresponsible risks? Sure. Are some people winging a prayer on crap like Dogecoin? Sure.

But you've also created a world where young people can't buy a house, have kids or save for retirement & you shame them for buying a latte. They'll take the chance. /4
It's hard to communicate the degree to which younger folks feel betrayed by the wealthy and older generations, that the opportunities that used to be available no longer are. We live in chaos. Real estate prices rising faster than our wages can possibly keep up. It's a farce. /5
Any opportunity we can take to to leverage some of the chaos back onto the people who created this world, and discomfit the normal patterns of the billionaires slowly grinding us all into dust, we will take.

The Trump years obscured that. But the spirit of Occupy remains. /6
We went with Bernie and Warren and AOC and Cori and Ayanna for a reason. We don't just want healthcare and wages and a stable climate.

We also want to stick it to the billionaire grifters who made it so they always win and we always lose no matter what. /7
And if you make that impossible *politically*, we will find other ways to do it. And we'll do it even if it means making some unsavory allies. Even if you'd rather keep Wall Street in the tent. Too bad.

We need to give birth to a different world now. /end
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