This high fatality rate among #COVID19 patients in intensive care has stayed pretty comparable throughout the pandemic: 34% in the first wave, 29% in the second. Also: 200 more COVID patients have died in ICUs during the 2nd wave (so far) than in the 1st. #COVID19Ontario
The higher fatality rate among #COVID19 patients in ICUs can't be explained away by age differences, as patients admitted to Canadian ICUs pre-pandemic had similar age profile: see @CIHI_ICIS ICU age data pre-pandemic &
@criticalcareON age data on COVID ICU patients (waves 1&2)
Long story short: "COVID-19 patients are far sicker than the average patient that we care for in ICU," says @drmwarner. "I do feel quite powerless, much more powerless than I have with any other disease that I've treated. I think the mortality data is a reflection of that."
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