You all figure it out yet ?
It's not a left it right issue. It's not a racist issue. It's not a political issue .
It's the 1% against the people.
The top 1% don't ever pay taxes . Not a dime . Yet I use to pay 60%
Joe is going to tax everything over $17,000 a year. Creating the worst economic Administration in history.
It will drive a Depression not a Recession . Factories will leave a d take jobs with them once again .
You're seeing the financial destruction of the US .
Taxing everyone over $17,000 means Social Security will be taxed in most cases . That's if Joe and the Democrats don't destroy it all together. He has been trying to for 47 years . Those whom are on it need to be expecting it. I guarantee it's coming.
Buy a winter tents that comes with a stove port. You might be living in it soon. You'll need it to keep warm .
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