Somehow the NYT missed that people are not only pissed about the sloppy process by which school names were axed, or not, but that @SFUnified hasn't had one day of in person school, doesn't expect to, and BOARD DIDN'T EVEN DISCUSS ANY OF THAT
HERE is what people are really pissed about. Sure, have a (much more rigorous) debate about school names. But should that take priority over...reopening? Increasing access to remote learning for low income kids? Really?
Sloppy, craven process + utter failure to deliver for kids.
I plan to vote against every single school board member who decided to prioritize their time and SF's collective attention accordingly. And I will not be the only one.
Also, that they voted to keep Willie Brown's name on a school when axing so many others...let's not pretend this doesn't have to do with his machine and their desire to hold onto their jobs. Just all around disgusting.
That @SFUnified is going to have to spend at least $400K in this sloppy attempt at historical justice instead of spending that money getting chrome books or tutors to kids in the Bayview or TL or the Mission is just the most egregious mismanagement of public resources
If it were just the sloppy and anti-critical thinking renaming process, would have amounted to a collective "oh well, San Francisco" eye roll. But it's prioritizing THAT while failing THESE:
The failure to implement at least some outdoor school is to me the biggest failure. Most schools have decently large-->huge physical plants. We would have at least had outdoor learning for the youngest and/or most vulnerable/least connected.

San Francisco is blessed with mostly temperate weather that makes it possible to have outdoor school most days even without big tents, if cost was a factor, and all of them with tents. It's just INSANE that more schools, especially in temperate climes, have not moved outdoors.
During the 1918 flu NYC school kids had class outside wrapped in blankets and seal-skin sleeping bag type things with a HEATED SANDSTONE at bottom.

We can hold school outside at 50 degrees in 2021.
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