Let me tell you how this is going to go:

1) Trump does something beyond-the-pale horrid
2) Everyone is shocked and furious
3)Dems demand “serious” consequences
4)A few GOP folks express dismay or concern
5) McConnell finds a way to delay action
6) Pressure is put on all the GOP
to get in line
7)They come up with a comms strategy to turn the tables on the Dems and flip the narrative
8) While Dems try to get their act together, FoxNews blankets the country in GOP talking points
9) Dems start to get fearful & weary & think it’s better to move on
10) Trump
regroups and gets stronger
11)Dem base gets infuriated and loses heart
12) Faith in the rule of law gets trampled
13) Wait three months
14) Trump does something even worse
15) Repeat the process from step 1.

Only this time, it escalates to even more violence &damage to the.

At no point in the last 4 years has this strategy actually worked to contain or curtail Trump, or to convince GOPers to actually defend our country and Constitution. It won’t happen now either.


If we don’t use
it now, we can kiss any hope of a normal Biden presidency goodbye!

We might as well hand Trump the title President in Exhile and expect him to run the GOP from Mar-a-Lago without any constraints.
You can follow @PamKeithFL.
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