Hey everyone, let's talk about Whistler.

You've probably seen the COVID-19 public exposure alerts from us recently - 6 of them in total.

There's been an ⬆ in cases within Whistler: 288 cases confirmed during Jan 1-26. Here's how we can all help.

(sorry, another thread) 1/4
If you live in Whistler, follow Public Health guidelines

- Keep to your household/core bubble only
- Don't gather with non-bubble friends
- Avoid non-essential travel
- Feel ill? Stay home
- COVID-19 symptoms? Get a test
- Physical distance and wear a mask
- Wash your hands

There's a travel advisory in effect, which means you should be skiing or snowboarding at your local hills: https://bit.ly/3ouJJlM 

For example, if you live in Vancouver, stick to the North Shore mountains. (Check their websites before you go.) 3/4
This has been a really tough winter. We're all feeling it. But this is the time to dig deep and follow health guidelines.

Whistler community members and leaders: we're so grateful for your support. We'll get through this together.

Thanks for reading. 4/4
You can follow @VCHhealthcare.
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