Tonight at #WCLC20 we saw a RCT presented by Dr Lai on behalf of co-authors looking at immunotherapy in patients with EGFR+ NSCLC. Patients had disease that progressed on at least one prior TKI. Crossover was allowed from nivo to nivo/ipi at PD #LCSM
Pts on this trial got a tissue biopsy while on treatment, and also at the time of PD. These types of biopsies are very important to better understand how drugs work, but they need to be done thoughtfully to maximize research benefit and minimize risk to patients. #WCLC20 #LCSM
Study stopped early due to a lack of activity for both arms. One pt had a response in each arm. We need to get a better understanding of how to help patients with EGFR+ NSCLC respond to immunotherapy. Just giving them the same treatments does not seem to work #WCLC20 #LCSM
As we have seen before, treatment with IO after TKI was pretty well tolerated. We have seen in prior work by @AdamJSchoenfeld and @HelenaYu923 that treatment with TKI after IO is much riskier #LCSM #WCLC20
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