1. Here's a handy @pewresearch graphic w overall turnout by state in 2020, but also, each state's improvement in turnout over 2016. In places where Ds took control (CA, CO, VA, WA) they've been (small l) liberalizing voting access & you really see the + effect its having on
2. participation. For years political scientists have wondered if competition was more imp than institutional design or vice versa & its really looking like institutions MATTER which makes the systematic targeting of voting institutions to suppress turnout by the GOP in states
3. where they have the power to do so (and as my friend @marceelias will tell you & talk about when he's on the show) they're coming HARD after GA's system now. And this data tells me that if they're successful in chipping away at the institutions, it will matter. Fun fact, not
4. only is WA St. using institutional reforms but their state party chair is a big believer in the theories I espouse about messaging & turnout & deployed some of that stuff this cycle to great success. Will be following up on this stuff, replicating it, & exporting it elsewhere
5. as part of @StrikePac's portfolio. They were expecting MASSIVE partisan turnout there & I don't know what the final numbers ended up being, but its def a great guide for other states. @DemocracyDocket is going to be critical.
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