MEGATHREAD: The Eritrean Minister of Information @hawelti posted an interesting press release about an open-letter from four former US ambassadors to Ethiopia about the #WarOnTigray. It reads less like an official govt document and more like a blog entry...
Note: the open-letter is addressed to Ethiopian PM Ahmed, not Eritrean 'president' Afwerki or any representative from the Eritrean govt.

I'm not sure why for a regime so extremely dismissive of external influence and private media (Eritrea is ranked 178/180 in press freedom)...
...the Eritrean govt. decided to respond to one sentence in the letter which the ambassadors themselves suggest, not allege, that Eritrea is involved in the conflict and the potential disaster for the region (which is all factual).
Additionally, the press release goes in some detail questioning the four ambassador's credibility and cite their period in the diplomatic position as US ambassador to Ethiopia as "critical years", possibly making a correlation with the time Ethiopia was ruled under the #TPLF.
I don't know what point the Eritrean govt. is proving with this parallel. Perhaps by inferring the #TPLF is a machination of western govts, the press release covertly legitimizes Eritrea's indefinite military service in that time and the Eritrean govt's intolerance for dissent.
I won't/don't need to cover every detail the press release addresses (because most details don't address the current conflict in Tigray), but I will mention some contradictions/inaccuracies that I think are relevant.

All sources are at the end of this thread.
First, quoted from the press release, "The Ambassadors insinuate a nonexistent threat from Eritrea to the 'territorial integrity of Ethiopia'".

The press release assumes the ambassadors depict the Eritrean troops are what they meant by a nonexistent threat;
Second, another quote from the press release, "Eritrea was on the receiving end of incessant acts of military aggression and violation of its sovereignty and territorial
integrity by the TPLF regime". A statement about the potential for armed conflict between the two countries.
During the "years of darkness" the press article describes (which coincidentally, PM Ahmed similarly referred to #TPLF as the '27 years of darkness'), the Eritrean govt in this press release asserts that its military presence was necessary to fend off external threats.
But interestingly enough there is one man who contradicts the press release's notion that Eritrea was/is on the verge to fight another war not just with TPLF, but with any country.
The #PFDJ cannot even keep their own lies consistent!

The narrative that an outside force influences the domestic policy of Eritrea (which it does because DIA himself manufactured a reality of eternal conflict for false pretext of war) apparently didn't exist, so which is it?
Lastly, the press release says the "state of permanent war [came] to an end when both countries signed the Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship in Asmara on July 9, 2018." Well that certainly isn't the case now.

With regard to the EEBC (which Ethiopia did not accept),
the press release says that with new leadership, the border issue is all of a sudden solved and everyone is peaceful.

I urge you to look at a map and see the Tigray region border the conflicted territory for which the 1998 Badme Border war was started on, not Oromia or Amhara.
The Eritrean regime cannot reconcile with whatever govt. they see fit and ignore the party they feuded with--they had to institute the boundary commission and make amends with the ruling party of the time to gain leverage in their fight over territory and border disputes...
which by the way, the #PFDJ had the legal basis to sue the TPLF-led Ethiopian govt for illegal entry because Eritrea was awarded Badme...even after the senseless and unnecessary war in 1998-2000.
Claiming that the ambassadors allude to potential territorial war is a Freudian slip, but what the press release's most intriguing line is that the letter is "disingenuous in content and vicious in intent".
I didn't know it was vicious to be "concerned about the worsening ethnic tensions throughout [Ethiopia], reflected in the proliferation of hate speech and rising ethnic and religious violence"...
What is disingenuous about wanting "national dialogue designed to bring together all sectors of society"?

Seems like the Eritrean govt is projecting itself...I thought #PFDJ was Eritrean...why would they need to respond to a letter addressed to the Ethiopian govt?
To conclude, doing basic research about these and other issues related to Eritrean politics during the dictatorship era of Isaias Afwerki etc. is a good way to show how hopeless it is to tell these people they are acting against their own interest.
I would like to know if anyone affiliated with the Eritrean regime wants to honestly discuss with me the matter of foreign concern for the HoA region during the #WarOnTigray.; to them it isn't a concern because Eritrea isn't involved...why feel the need to say something? (END)
Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission findings, , which again, support DIA's #PFDJ; however, they continued to manufacture a false flag to perpetrate an unnecessary war to make heroes out of ordinary Eritrean/Ethiopian citizens who needlessly died.
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