Something I miss about the office is finding extremely extra and extremely petty ways to wage war against people.
I used to have this colleague. He was a coffee snob. You know the ones. And he brought his own tiny glass espresso cup and saucer into the office. Fine, you do you.
But the special cup lived in the cupboard with all the communal mugs, so understandably, people thought it was fair game and occasionally used it to have an espresso.

Not me, I only drink instant, all coffee tastes equally bad.
This meant that every so often my colleague would send an office-wide email asking people not to use the special cup that, I repeat, he kept in the communal cupboard.
Anyway this annoyed me.
So I examined the cup and went on Amazon to find similar looking cups and ordered a pack of 20 of them. I had a plan.
The cups arrived! It was better than I could have imagined: they were not similar to the special cup, they were IDENTICAL.
At a rate of one cup a week I added one identical cup to the cupboard, next to the special cup.
He was confused. I kept adding more cups. 20 cups I had and 20 cups I added, one at a time.
Result: I am entertained for 20 weeks, and now everyone who wants an espresso in a special cup can have an espresso in a special cup.
Cost me like thirty quid but you can't put a price on shenanigans can you.
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