It's time for a Pepe Thread. I'm older than most of y'all, so buckle up, I'm going to explain just how badly you've been you've been getting fucked by Wall Street. So................
1. Let's start with credit cards. When first introduced, the interest was tax deductible, and the card was not considered a secured asset, meaning if you declared bankruptcy, the debt went away.
2. Back in the day, you would go to your local bank to get a credit card. No mail in offers based off some random credit score. The bank knew your credit score and you had a personal relationship with the bank.
3. Well,all that's gone. Credit Cards are nothing more than factory farming for Wall Street. They don't know you and hand you a line of credit with rates that would make a loan shark jealous based on a piece of paper without knowing you, and if you go bankrupt, you gotta pay.
4. Now, about that piece of paper known as your credit score. It's a joke. Look at how it's calculated sometime. You'll laugh your ass off.
5. They literally dock your ass for closing lines of credit that you don't need, which is the responsible thing to do.
6. You have to have five lines of credit open to get a perfect score in one portion of the metrics used, which, btw needing that much credit should be a red flag.
7. Now, look at the housing market scam that crashed in 2008. In order to get more people into homes, they literally eliminate down payments for many.
8. Now, if you can't save enough for a down payment, then do you have a good enough track record of saving to survive a thirty year mortgage?
9. That's nothing compared to the geographic diversification that was called for, which is as big of a scam as Robin Hood was today.
10. So, a bank writes up your mortgage, but they have no interest in making sure you should be getting the mortgage because they immediately sell the paper off and keep the commission.
11. The paper for that mortgage gets bundled up with mortgages from all around the country and offered up as a security.
12. Nothing could possibly go wrong with putting unqualified people into mortgages and selling them off to people who never have an interest in the community.
13. Now, look at the concept of options on stocks. Let's start with what a stock is. A stock is merely a share of ownership in a company.
14. So why do shorts on companies even exist? How is it in the interest of building a healthy economy?
15. In order for large hedge funds to win these shorts, they must use their PR machines to push around companies that either aren't in great shape or are middle of the road.
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