THREAD 1/ It's #WorldHijabDay on 1st Feb. This day was created by Muslims living in the West to celebrate hijab. Here in "the West", for women who choose to cover, it can be difficult. There is a lot of prejudice about.
2/ Most incidences of anti-Muslim hate are directed towards visibly Muslim women. Anti-Muslim hate, often racism+also misogny combined by haters, Muslim women continue to face abuse. No one should ever face abuse. Muslim women must be able to go about their daily lives safely
3/ The choice to cover must remain theirs and we must respect their individual choices. Freedom of belief is a human right. Hate crime must be stamped out. So please stand up and speak out
4/ At the same time, there continue to be Muslim women who are forced to cover their hair/bodies. Sometimes this is legal pressure - for example in Iran where it is a legal requirement. Women who dare to take off their scarves in protest face fines and even imprisonment.
5/ Here, there is no right to choose. The State (an Islamist State) decides. Likewise, in some countries, hijab may not be a legal requirement, but there remains socio-cultural pressure on women - by men, family members + wider society - to cover.
6/ This pressure can be "religious" (doing the "right thing") or it can be more engrained around ideas of safety (to stave off harassment) or modesty (being a "good woman"). The two may also intertwine.
7/ Imagine you live in a village where 99% of women and girls over a certain age wear hijab - you'll stand out. I've seen it, a town where only one teenager/woman wasn't covered.
8/ Sadly I've also met / known of women/girls forced to cover by their own family/spouse. Some were even happy of this.
9/ So as we see this day approach, let's remember that freedom of expression is a human right. And so is bodiy automony. No woman should be forced to cover or uncover. Women must make their own choices. I myself no not theologically believe in the concept of "hijab" as seen today
10/ Some women do, some don't. It's their journey and their choice. We need female scholars, acceptance of diverse interpretations, contextual interpretations and to make space for reformist interpretations.
11/ Outside of theology, we must raise our voices: State-led dress codes are immoral and cruel. How we dress must be our own personal choice and ours alone.
12/ I chose to wear hijab and I then chose to take it off. Both decisions were mine - and mine alone. Both decisions taught me a lot. Women: do not let anyone decide for you. Do not let anyone think for you.
14/ Today Iranian human rights lawyer #NasrinSotoudeh remains in prison - simply for defending women's rights. Please call for her release. Sign and share the petition to #FreeNasrin
15/ Tweet Iran’s Supreme Leader ( @khamenei_ir) and Foreign Minister ( @JZarif) urging them to #FreeNasrin
16/ And listen to women. #MyBodyMyChoice #hijab #exhijabi
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