1/5) @NandiniVenkate3 Good Morning Nandini. Have a healthy, beautiful and a joyous Friday.

I wanted to conclude on the Angkor Wat short story. When we were there, we saw an idol that looked like Vishnu, yet it wasn’t. The head was of Buddha. Upon further questions....
2/5) we came to know that the idol was indeed Vishnu’s to begin with but Buddhism had started spreading during those times and they chopped of Vishnu’s head and replaced it with the Buddha head. I have always thought that Buddhism sprouted from Sanatana Dharma.
3/5) So, that incident must put Sanatana Dharma much before 12th century. Through reading, I found out that Buddhism started during the 6th century but its roots were laid during 1st or 2nd century BCE (before Christ was born). Hindus are pioneers of this world!!!!
See this shrine, Vishnu arms but Buddha head 👇🏾You can change, add, subtract! It’s all your’s now! Love you my friend. Get better soon!
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