I was asked, "Do you accept that you might still have an advantage?"

I said, "Is it *possible*? Yes. HOWEVER, ..." and then I go on to explain why I don't, and it's REALLY clear that I don't. I lose MOST of my races.

Here's the clip (3:00 in): https://news.sky.com/video/nr-transgender-cyclist-kelner-for-mobile-mp4-11838457
But transphobes can't get their facts straight...ever. They lie, ALL the time.

@RVTausz of the @nypost lies in her over-the-top transphobic article, regularly misgendering trans athletes.

Typical 'journalism' for the transphobic right.
Like, you pick me as your banner image for a story that, frankly, has nothing to do with me...and the only thing you have to say about me is an OUTRIGHT LIE that is easily refuted by just looking at what I actually said.

I actually think it constitutes defamation, you liar.
BTW I'm not angry or upset. I think it's hilarious how blatantly dishonest you are. Frankly, it helps our cause when you can't even get simple verifiable facts right.
You simply have no credibility.
Also, I'm literally female...

...that's what my birth certificate, passport, green card, SC driver's license, etc all say.

Oh my medical records also list me as merely female. No asterisk.
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