A wonderful thread (NOT my words!) per Friendly Neighborhood Epidemiologist on Facebook (HIGHLY recommended page!):

"Should I wear two masks?

Yes. Let me help show you why and what types are recommended."
"Double masking is important right now with HIGH case counts, positivity rates, and the new variants roaming around. Remember, the US does not have the surveillance needed to “catch” these new variants as they happen."
"So, the variants will probably show up in the US before we know it. The UK and SA variants look more transmissible (by 50-70%) than the other variants, which means we need to be even more cautious than we have before. Double masking is an extra layer of precaution we can take."
"Masks need to be multi-layered & secure. They need to fit tight around the nose, chin, & sides. I’ve seen some masks that barely cover a person’s face. Look at the picture of Dr. Fauci & notice the mask is secure around the nose & chin & covers the cheeks with no gaps."
"I would recommend a layered (make sure these are not just one, simple layer or a bandana that’s open at the chin) cloth mask over a more heavy-duty mask, like a N95, KN95, and KF94."
"These are becoming more available, but check to make sure they are not counterfeit. Remember to wash the cloth masks properly and wash your hands frequently.

Mask up, everyone. Over the nose. 😀"

(Again, thread is per Friendly Neighborhood Epidemiologist on Facebook.)
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