One of the weirdo Facebook groups about mystical spirituality today started talking about the need for a "New Reformation" in the Christian faith last week. I've been mulling that over since then and have a few thoughts.
These conversations are disproportionately raised by and participated in by white men. That happens in Evangelical, Mainline, post-Christian, and Christian adjacent spaces. I used to be one of those white men clamoring for reformation, until I woke up and say something important:
The reformation already happened. White men missed it.
Latinx theologians reformed the faith through Liberation Theology. Black theologians built on that work and shook the very foundation of western society with Black Liberation Theology. Black women but life back into the Christian scriptures with Womanism.
Queer theologians restored the mystery and majesty of the divine through Queer Theology. Women fought for the right to preach and teach with official ordination, continuing the work they *already did* to keep the Church alive.
The Christian faith was born out of a marginalized community, and then it was captured and weaponized by those in power. Christianity became the religion of slavers and colonizers, and was used for every abuse and injustice imaginable.
These reformations or reclamation have already happened. The Faith finds its footing among those pushed aside by power, not by holding power.
Christianity does not need a reformation. The reformation already happened. If this Faith is to have meaning in our world, those in power who claim the name of Christ must center those who lead this reformation at great cost.
I have no use for any more white man Reformations. No more wars. No more inquisitions.

An embodied, eminent reformation in service to each other has already happened. We need only participate in it.
Also, if you read this thread and your take away is, "Why does Mike hate white men/white people," you missed the entire point. Read it again.
I *am* white. I *am* a man.
Reformation of the marginalized: community care and liberation of the oppressed.

White men reformation: we need institutional infrastructure and revenue.
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