Strap yourselves in, kids. Cuz I’m going on a #mentalhealth rant thread today.

First item of business: I am a survivor of abuse & sexual I’ve got some trauma. Here’s why telling those struggling with mental health to “reach out” or “you’re not alone” can be harmful
I was sexually assaulted as a teenager. It was big media story in my town.

After the court case I was offered no victim counselling or services. No one followed up with me to see how I was. No one provided anything beyond a verdict.

I was 18.
The overwhelming issue with mental health resources is NOT that people don’t want to talk or seek help.

It’s that our health care and justice systems still treat mental health as something that is within our control.

I desperately wanted someone to talk to. There was no help.
Exhibit A: therapy is pricy.

13 years after my assault, I am finally financially able to afford therapy. At $160/session minimum, that’s $4,160/year. It’s not cheap.
Exhibit B: company extended health offers pittance for mental health. A top tier plan will net you max $1k in coverage - and when I say “top”, I mean global Corp exec level.
Exhibit C: Mental health days are not recognized by the majority of companies, schools, universities. Etc. The excuse often being, “they can just fake it”. Guess what Deb, I can fake the flu too!
Exhibit D: Trauma survivors & those who suffer from mental health issues are constantly questioned & belittled. “Are you sure?” “Everyone has problems.” “Just put it behind you.” “Just relax.”
The problem is NOT no one speaks out, the big problem is they are not being listened to!

Our health system & our places of work don’t prioritize mental health the same as physical health. I can call out for a dentist appointment. I can’t for a therapy one. That is a problem.
When you tell someone to “reach out” and “you’re here”, it can diminish the onus of the system.

For some it suggests their problems can be fixed by just “talking”...while ignoring the fact that talking is expensive. It can often feel like they are to blame for not “talking”.
So ask yourself, what is your province doing to fully cover mental health resources? What is your company doing to financially support employees suffering?

Start there.
You can follow @kadieasmith.
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