Walking through downtown LA today got me thinking. Homeless people on every corner - shuttered businesses - a sense of defeat lingering in the air.

(continued in comments)
As I’m walking I’m just casually scrolling twitter and seeing the memes, the anger, the jokes, and the rants about the saga of GME and Robinhood. It got me really heated, seeing such a disconnect.
We tried to stop the billionaires from boosting their balance sheets on a bet of a failing company. We tried to bar them from profiting off thousands of lost jobs and hundreds of shuttered storefronts. We are in the middle of a pandemic - less to give, less to go around -
- but we still rallied around a business and tried to defend them from being Wall Street’s latest notch.
We were doing it. Individuals invested at every level - the upper class down to the college kid just starting his portfolio. We were doing it. We were beating the system - we were beating Wall Street at their own game.
And then we weren’t. They tilted the board. They changed the rules. They stole our winning hand and kept the prize money for themselves.
We are beaten and bruised and SO many of us are struggling after a year in an economic chokehold, but we still tried to come together for the greater good, and we got kicked out of the room. They do not care if you just lost half your 401k.
hey do not care if you’re sitting there watching your son’s college fund melt away after they reset their short position. They don’t care that they just locked you out of your own pockets. They do. not. care.
I hope that, if nothing else comes from this, some eyes are opened. Your 401k was never working for you. Your mutual funds were never working for you.
Your hard earned dollars were working for them this whole time, and if you were one of the lucky ones, you got a little something for your troubles at the end of the line.
Get out. Get out of their pockets. Get out of their funds, take your pieces off the board. Get out. It’s clear the only way to beat them is to stop playing their game altogether. #bitcoin will fix all of this.
You can follow @ilanaariel.
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