1/3 As many who follow me will know, I have focused on finding gratitude & joy in each day over the last 3-4 years. I would say I have an overall positive outlook. It has not cured me from living with #mecfs. A cruel & debilitating disease I’ve lived with for the last 7 & half..
2/3 ..years. Also, like many, I loved to exercise before #mecfs. In fact as a qualified Fitness Instructor/PT it was my passion. There is no way I could have exercised in the first year of illness. Let alone the years that followed. Just wanted to say this following the..
3/3 insensitive, non-evidence based & potentially harmful reports following “the article” in the BMJ on “one” person’s recovery from #LongCovid. I love to hear recovery stories. But reports such as these are so damaging to the millions living with #mecfs who have suffered so much
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