I have shared this before, but it simply can't be stressed enough - Great Barrington Declaration is so unethical and deranged that even the City of Great Barrington demands to be removed from any association with this scandalous, unscientific junk.

Read more here ⬇️
From the open letter to the creators of GBD:

"The set of policy positions you are advancing, which favor short-term economic gains over public health and safety, are an affront to our citizens' difficult sacrifices. You mock our town’s efforts to maintain safety measures" ➡️
➡️ "and undermine the heroic endeavors of our community’s healthcare workers, including those at our beloved Fairview Hospital"

"We are proud to have one of the lowest infection rates in the state, and your theory runs counter to our precautions" ➡️
➡️"Let the record show that we emphatically disagree that spreading more disease is the solution to the COVID pandemic.
Furthermore, your declaration ignores the growing evidence on long-COVID, whereby thousands of young and healthy people who contract the virus are left with"➡️
➡️"debilitating symptoms months
after a mild infection. Your premise dismisses the views of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, as well as those of Dr Tedros, head of the WHO. They have stated that herd immunity is" ➡️
➡️ “scientifically and ethically problematic,” “very dangerous” and “total nonsense"

"Your declaration’s complete dismissal of the experts and their advice has caused many of our residents considerable alarm" ➡️
➡️"We would like to assure the public at large that your beliefs are in no way sanctioned by the Town of Great Barrington, nor was the use of our town name."

Read the full letter here: https://www.townofgb.org/home/news/town-again-rejects-great-barrington-declaration-letter-authors-aier
I am going to add co-signers from Sweden.

First up is Dr. Jonas Ludvigsson, pediatrician, epidemiologist and professor at Karolinska Institute and senior physician at Örebro University Hospital.

Not only does he believe that Swedish children should be infected ➡️
➡️ he also study the longterm illnesses and complications such as MIS-C on children infected of covid.

Professor Johnny Ludvigsson, Pediatrics at Linköping University. That's Jonas Ludvigsson's father. Yet another paediatrician that believes children should all get some covid.
What really would raise some eyebrows outside of Sweden, would be if a Minister of Education would seek (and take) advice from this type of individuals. Especially considering ability to keep school safe from covid.

Well, @Anna_Ekstrom did.
On that topic, one of the profiles that @Anna_Ekstrom is mentioning and who is also invited to various state television shows is @Sven_Roman
Not once have he mentioned the need for a safe school, but only how good it is that children get infected.
Let's not forget about one of three authors of GBD: Martin Kulldorff. He's not only pushing a completely unscientific "strategy", funded by the Koch's, he is also appearing on an anti-vaxx advisory board. https://twitter.com/MediaWatchSwe/status/1353994623992147969?s=20
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