EPA leaders should move swiftly to suspend and rescind the policy, which would compromise EPA's mission by excluding thousands of studies from consideration as EPA sets pollution standards. 2/n
The deluge of comments, and the requirement that EPA address them, delayed the rule significantly. But despite overwhelming opposition from mainstream scientists, the New York Times broke the story that the EPA wanted to *expand* the proposal. 7/n https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/11/climate/epa-science-trump.html
Still, EPA was hell-bent on finishing the proposal before the end of President Trump’s term. So they tried to force it through, with limited public comment and no public hearing, during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 10/n
The court said the administration failed to justify putting the rule through at the last minute. And that “The Final Rule determines outcomes rather than process.” Read the decision: 16/n
This monumental win would not have been possible without strong and sustained opposition from scientists and their allies. Thousands of scientists came out in opposition to the plan. Scores of scientific associations and NGOs advocated against it.
Leadership from @EnvDefenseFund, @billingspg, @gretchentg, @AAAS_GR, @ATScommunity, @RepPauTonko, @vilimaye, @EnvProtectioNet, @MichaelJFoxOrg, @CPRblog, @seanmhelle, @NPCA, @SciNetUCS, @HarvardEnvClin, @gennareed, Hayden Hashimoto @cleanaircatf, & many more led to this win 18/n
I’m hopeful that soon, EPA will again put science front and center in its decision-making. One important step is to immediately suspend and then take the necessary steps to rescind the restricted science rule once and for all. <End>
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