Thread: art school teachers and manga

Someone in the comments mentionned how teachers can be close minded and disrespectful towards anime artstyles so I felt it was something worth talking about

(talking here as a student, currently in my second year of art school)
I've seen people claiming "art schools hate anime" as some kind of undeniable truth on social media in the past.

I'm just gonna say that while I am aware of the experiences some students had in that regard, this statement is not entirely accurate. Let me explain.
Teachers in art schools want their students to follow their guidelines and to be creative, to experiment
Art preparatory years will often consist of learning different styles and how to use different tools

But realism is the most important when it comes to learning how to DRAW
any good cartoon/manga artstyle was developped thanks to the knowledge of realistic anatomy from the artist. Once you know how the human body works, you can bend it to your will while keeping a certain sense of logic with it afterwards
Everyone in that kind of environment can tell the difference between a manga styled artist who has studied realistic anatomy and someone who hasn't.
If you're at school, it means you're here to learn, and you have to start from the basics
Manga or not manga, everyone has to go through this. You need to stay away from your stylized comfort zone for a while if you want to be better.
In projects where style doesn't matter though? Good teachers will not bother you with your anime/cartoon style as long as you follow the guidelines. And I repeat : GOOD teachers.
Even if the situation seems unfair sometimes, just do as you're told, it will benefit you in the long term. Don't be stubborn and there will be less drama.
Again, if you're in art school, it means you're past high school, almost/already an adult and here to LEARN
I know disrespecful and stupid teachers exist, and that thread isn't here to say it's the fault of the student if they've had bad experiences with school

I just wanted to say that all this negativity doesn't apply at every school, it mostly depends on the person teaching you
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