1) If you're not reflecting on risk management after this week's events then what are you even doing?

Here's a thread on some basic thoughts on how to better manage risk and mistakes going forward:
2) First of all, given where we are in the investment cycle, focus more intently on the downside than the upside.
3) Slow down if you see a loss of money on any position. That should put you on high alert.

Keep looking for disconfirming evidence.
4) Rely more on technical analysis for risk control and price trend discipline.

It will help to reduce the influence of emotions and ego on your trading.
5) A change in the technical picture should give you second thoughts and force you to re-evaluate your investment thesis.
6) Develop alternative scenarios and learn to be open-minded and flexible when challenged by the market.
7) Don't let losses disturb your emotional equilibrium.

If a losing position is making you uncomfortable, just get out.
8) The natural thing to do when you are not trading well is to cut the extent of risk taking.
9) This will allow a more dispassionate analysis of the situation, and you can then put risk back on with a refreshed palate for risk assumption.
10) As Buddha says, “What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now.”

Good luck.
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