1/🧵 Although Cook County has historically had problems with long-pending cases, the current situation is particularly acute: #COVID19 has brought major court slowdowns.

As a result, more people have been locked up for over a year without having been proven guilty of any crime.
2/🧵 @StateCourts' model time standard for felony cases says 75% should be resolved within 3 months, 90% in 6 months, 98% within 1 year.

In Cook County, from 2015 and 2020, 28% of felony cases were resolved in 3 months, 47% in 6 months, 73% in a year. https://ncsc.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/ctadmin/id/1836/rec/3
3/🧵 Early in the pandemic, about 36% of people in Cook County Jail pretrial had been there for more than a year; as of December 31, that percentage is up to 46%.

The Sheriff's house arrest program has now kept 32% of people for over a year, compared to 17% in the Spring.
4/🧵 As of December 31, 2020, over 1,000 people in Cook County had been on house arrest for over one year, and over 2,200 have been in jail for over one year, while presumed innocent (awaiting trial). https://twitter.com/ChiAppleseed/status/1354905041354809346?s=20
5/🧵 Compared to similar areas - like the New York City Department of Corrections, for instance - Cook County has kept people locked up for longer periods of time during the #COVID19 pandemic.
6/🧵NYC has also struggled to decarcerate through #COVID19 - but New York has almost no one who has been in custody for extremely long periods of time, while Cook County has over 100 people who have waited in custody pretrial for over five years. https://twitter.com/willinois/status/1354509166832922629?s=20
7/🧵 There are two ways someone can leave the Cook County Jail: (1) bail or meet conditions of pretrial release and (2) plea, dismissal, or trial. Right now, both of these mechanisms are moving extremely slowly due to the COVID-19 pandemic – but these problems are not new.
9/🧵Since 2014, the jail population has shrunk by almost half - but more can be done without impacting safety.

Jail is oppressive and expensive. Money spent to house people presumed innocent would be better spent on improving the #CriminalJustice system. https://twitter.com/AlexNitkin/status/1354510987890720772?s=20
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