here's something that helped me calm down as a person + made it easier for me to figure out people: if someone doesn't like a book, or a movie &c it's actually just about the person, and not about the thing. stories exist for reasons more meaningful than just to be loved or hated
personally, i do not like QT's movies but here are things about me: i have trauma from abuse, i have studied feminist history and gender theory, i studied english lit and film in school. i have anger. those things are about me. some people like watching movies with boobs + blood
do i think movies with graphic depictions fo gendered violence are bad! yes! but stories exist for reasons beyond me hating them. there are books that may not be High Brow, but if they make people happy, that's a good enough reason to exist
i hate old man and the sea more than any book i have ever read for no reason more than i think it's boring and lame, but i understand why people read it, and that's also reason enough for it to exist. you don't have to like stuff, that's more than okay, i dislike lots of stuff
but i cannot STAND the obnoxious way people online will so freely be like 'i will never recommend BELOVED to anyone because it's a waste of time' ??? shut the fuck up. shut up!! that book doesn't need you to like it, but no art is a waste, except pedophilia. that's a waste.
sorry my rant is over, i was just mad about someone i don't know saying reading toni morrison is 'trendy' - hate something all you want, but its not a waste. storytelling is not a waste! NOT EVEN BOOKS THAT GET SOLD FOR 5$ AT THE GROCERY STORE.
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